lørdag den 26. juli 2008

It begins

You see, my main motivation for starting a blog is that sometimes, geeks carry around a lot of pent up thoughts, that for some peculiar reason never make it anywhere. So this will be my little corner, spent on my own little futile musings. First, I'll start off with establishing who the heck I am, and why any of you should care about what I say. I'm a relaxed, peaceful guy, just living life day by day, doing whatever I feel like. This year I'll be starting studying computer science at the university, and while it will probably be tough, and have me suffer for several years because professors keep saying words that make no sense at all in the little world I live in, it's still pretty much the perfect education for me. Education in messing around with computers? Count me in!

Now, this opening post is about done. No one really cares about the first post anyway, but stay tuned for more.


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