søndag den 27. juli 2008

Wacken? Sweaty men screaming unintelligible words? Count me in!

Now, my music taste is roughly divided into two groups. One group containing pop and techno. This is the group I tend to call shitty mindless crap. Then there's the other group consisting of roughly everything else, metal being one of those things, so I'm going to the German heavy metal festival in Wacken.

Now, my main gripe about metal is that... the lyrics mostly are as empty and meaningless as pop, but at least, the pop lyrics are all just regurgitated versions of the lyrics that came before them. Many sorts of metal manage to write new inane lyrics, not at all identical to the former ones. Still inane, but at least they're new. So yes, I'm going to get my lazy geek ass out of this place and into some train leading me god knows where. It will most likely be an awesome experience. At the same time, I'm slightly worried about my eardrums, and how many pieces they'll be in after the festival, but I assume everything's going to work out.

A misconception about metal is that people listening to metal are rebellious psychopaths with long hair who loves burning down churches, staking people and drinking their blood. Granted, there's probably a bit more of that kind of people listening to Marilyn Manson and his sarcastic world-despising voice than listening to Justin Timberlake singing about how he is going to rock your body this way.

Being a part of the entire metal subculture really gets rid of that misconception. Both me and the friends of mine who are going there are quiet people, not really concerned with burning down churches, not staking people in the heart or drinking their blood. Heck, we don't even sacrifice goats...very often. And when we do, it's all in great fun. Obviously.

Last time we sacrificed anything, we just built a minor explosive charge by scraping stuff off matches, and blew up a minor house we built in origami.

So we might not be as hard core metal epic killers as some people's misconception would lead them to believe.

I choose to believe that it's not the music that creates the people, but the people that create the music. The people choose the music. It's not that listening to metal will make people sick and deranged, it's that some sick and deranged people listen to it.

On that note, computer games in some way get the same sort of treatment, and once again, I'll mention the above comment. More on games tomorrow, I believe. Depending on what I'm in the mood for writing, and whether or not I'll be sacrificing goats instead.

lørdag den 26. juli 2008

It begins

You see, my main motivation for starting a blog is that sometimes, geeks carry around a lot of pent up thoughts, that for some peculiar reason never make it anywhere. So this will be my little corner, spent on my own little futile musings. First, I'll start off with establishing who the heck I am, and why any of you should care about what I say. I'm a relaxed, peaceful guy, just living life day by day, doing whatever I feel like. This year I'll be starting studying computer science at the university, and while it will probably be tough, and have me suffer for several years because professors keep saying words that make no sense at all in the little world I live in, it's still pretty much the perfect education for me. Education in messing around with computers? Count me in!

Now, this opening post is about done. No one really cares about the first post anyway, but stay tuned for more.
